Sunday, April 28, 2013

Emergency Response Training

For the last few years the forestry students have worked with the nursing students at Mont Alto to simulate emergency response to a logging accident. Using the medical training dummy, istan, the students can go train through the whole experience from a downed logger to first aid and transport, to an ER triage, and to transport on Penn State's Life Lion helicopter.

Here is a link to the article in the Chambersburg Public Opinion. This experience makes a great finale to the first aid training required for forest technology students before the forest  harvesting courses of summer camp.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Foresters Do Art, Too!

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Forestry Students Participate in the 2013 Academic Festival

Maddie Erickson and Alex Seeley mapped deer exclosures in state forests. 

Jarrid Willette and Justin Vinglas studied the natural resources and developed a management plan for Jarrid's family's property.

Tosh Rung did two projects: soil mapping of an arboretum grove on campus and analyzing hemlock woolly adelgid  treatments in Caledonia State Park.

Joshua Brenneman reported on the history of tree specimens in the campus arboretum.
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